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Freeman Foods (Wellman, IA)

Check out this recent job we did for Freeman Foods in Wellman, Iowa.
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A Referral, a Pitch and a New Roof

Before photo of the metal roof on top of Freeman Foods in Wellman, IA. Before photo of issues on the local Iowan grocery store's roof. Before photo showing the length of the metal roof needing work. Another before shot of workers prepping the job site. A shot of the workers applying roofing tape to the chimney boot. Another photo of the workers continuing down the line.

Bob Freeman, owner of Freeman Foods in Wellman, IA responded to a mailing sent out by Aztec Coatings.

Being in my territory, they called me to go pitch him on a new roof.

After the pitch, Bob asked, "Well, how much money would it be?" So, I told him my standard rate, and without even a second of hesitation, he said, "Go right ahead!"

Prepping Multiple Roof Sections

Photo of the prepped edge of a grocery store's metal roof. Wide shot of the powerwashed roof in Wellman, IA. Close-up before shot of the roof after being pressure washed. Another wide-shot showing the roof with seams taped and coated. Photo of previous owner and founder Ed Neffe surveying the work. Photo from the upper roof, overlooking the lower roof and street below.

After powerwashing the roof using tri-sodium phosphate to get it real clean, the seams were taped with butyl backed roofing tape, then coated twice with WPM#9 waterproofing membrane.

All fasteners were coated using a ketchup bottle filled with WPM#9 to achieve a 'Hershey's Kiss' kind-of-look to ensure the seal would last.

Roof So White, the Clouds Are Jealous

Photo of the upper roof coated with Aztec's 2000 Finish Coat. Another shot of that same section of roof at a different angle. Photo from below showing the vibrant contrast between the roof and sky. After photo of the upper roof so white, the clouds are jealous. After photo of the left edge of the upper roof looking great. Photo showing half of the lower roof's coating finished.

We quickly got started with the main event when both sections of roof were completely prepped and double-checked.

Aztec's 2000 Finish Coat was applied over all the coated seams thick and evenly.

Then 2 coats of that product was applied to the entire area of the metal roofs, giving it a magnificient clean-new look.

Consecutive Ten Year Warranties

Photo of the the lower roof, half coated. Picturesque photo of the edge of the coated roof overlooking nearby buildings. Photo of us finishing the lower roof two years later. Photo showing the roof coating from 2 years prior and the fresh coating. After photo of the bright sheen of the freshly coated metal roof. After photo of white coated roof where it connects with the red shingled interim roof. Another after photo of a fresh, clean roof for a small town grocer.

Initially, Bob Freeman only had half of the bottom roof done, but after he saw how well things were working, he had us wait 2 years to do the other half.

Bob was granted a 10 year warranty on both material and labor.

Twelve years later, the new owner, Clint Miller hired me to do a complete re-coat of the roof; he also received a 10 year warranty on material and labor.

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